Using the summer vacation "smart" - registration still possible
Internship week invites students to try out careers with companies
Pupils from Jena and the region can gain their first practical work experience during the summer vacations. The 3rd Jena Internship Week invites young people aged 15 and over to get to know eight local companies on days of their choice and discover a wide range of job profiles. If you want to take part, you can register free of charge via the Jena Internship Week website. Participants are asked online about their interests and talents and then automatically assigned to the participating companies. Around 90 companies and more than 200 students are currently registered. In flexible one-day internships, both sides can then get to know each other in an uncomplicated way on site at the companies in everyday working life. The format is a joint project of the Jena Economic Development Agency, the Jena/Saale-Holzland District Craftsmen's Association, the City of Jena, the Jena Employment Agency and the OptoNet industry network.
"The internship week is the ideal complement to traditional career information events," says Daniela Drilltzsch, project manager at the Jena Economic Development Agency. "The companies can present their tasks and offers in their own company and not just at the trade fair stand."
According to Drilltzsch, this creates a realistic picture of the requirements of everyday working life and also makes it easier to talk to each other. A format that is worthwhile for both sides - companies and potential junior staff.
According to Manuela Vogt from the Jena District Craftsmen's Association, practical experience is the be-all and end-all for all potential training opportunities: "For students who need an internship in the next school year, the internship week offers the best opportunity to make contacts and find out what suits their interests."
Those who took part last summer or during this year's Easter vacation also say that the event is ideally suited to this practical aspect: 100% of participants said they would recommend the internship week to others.