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On-site advice: Attracting returnees to Jena and the region


ThAFF Commuter and Returnee Day on 07.10.2022 for the first time at the Welcome Center Jena

For the fourth time, the Thuringian Agency for the Recruitment of Skilled Workers (ThAFF) in cooperation with the Jena Economic Development Agency (JenaWirtschaft) are inviting you to the joint Commuter and Returnee Day for Jena and the region on 07.10.2022. For the first time, this will take place at the Welcome Center Jena at Teichgraben 5 in Jena, which will open in 2022.

Between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., interested parties can find out about the variety of career opportunities in Jena and the region. Commuters who work abroad and would like to return to their home in and around Jena will receive important information on the regional job market and valuable tips on job hunting, job applications and the local economy.

Immigrants can also obtain comprehensive information about starting a career locally. Advice is provided in person, but is also available via video conference or telephone. Interested parties can register for an appointmenton the ThAFF website.

"The Commuter Day has become a well-established format in Jena,"

confirms ThAFF project manager Andreas Knuhr.

"People who are interested in returning to their old home and are visiting family or friends at the weekend, for example, can get comprehensive advice on their potential return and answers to all related questions."

On-site advice at the Welcome Center Jena

A concept that is generally important for new arrivals in the City of Light, as Wilfried Röpke, Head of Economic Development Jena, knows.

"After the two digital commuter days in recent years, we are delighted to be able to welcome our guests to the Welcome Center Jena for the first time. Here, interested parties will receive important information about working and living in Jena on October 7, 2022, but of course also throughout the year."

According to Röpke, settling in socially is just as important as starting a career in a new or rediscovered city.

This is a key aspect that Johanna Scholz, an employee at the Welcome Center Jena, is also familiar with from her day-to-day work:

"There is a great need for individual advice. Many questions revolve around the job and everything directly related to it, but just as often around everyday life in very different phases of life."

According to Scholz, this includes young families who want to live at home again after the birth of their first child, as well as employees who want to take more care of their parents in need of care.

In other words, very individual questions that can be answered in detail at the Commuter and Returnee Day on 7 October 2022 in Jena. Further information on the event can be found on the ThAFF website.

Zwei Frauen stehen einladend in einer Tür und lächeln in die Kamera.
Johanna Scholz (l.) und Cornelia Meyerrose laden am 07.10.2022 zum Pendler- und Rückkehrertag ins Welcome Center Jena ein.