Preparations for "Stadt-Up Jena" funding project underway
Jena Economic Development Agency on the lookout for new colleagues and a "city lab" space
With its project application "Stadt-Up Jena", the city of Jena was proposed for funding as part of the federal program "Sustainable inner cities and centers" (ZIZ) back in February. The aim of the project is to address the current challenges facing the city center and to create experimental and experience areas in Jena's city center in a pilot project in order to develop new concepts and thus counteract the existing structural change in the city center.
The Jena Economic Development Agency, which has been entrusted with the implementation of the project by the city of Jena, is already making preparations to be able to start immediately once funding has been approved. Recently, two staff positions as well as an application for space were advertised subject to reservation. If the project is approved by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB), Jena's city center could receive funding of around 1 million euros, which will be supplemented by the city's own contribution of around 350,000 euros.
Start-up competition and city lab planned
Cities and their centers are constantly changing, explains Christian Gerlitz, Mayor and Head of Urban Development and Environment:
Digital sales channels, changing customer behavior and new business models are just some of the changes that city center players have had to face in recent years.
According to Gerlitz, the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated these changes even further.
City centers must take these changes into account in order to remain attractive to residents and visitors to the region.
The "Stadt-Up Jena" project offers the opportunity to proactively support structural change and addresses the question: "What will the mixed-use city center of tomorrow look like?"
Two sub-projects are intended to increase the variety of offerings and quality of experience in Jena's city center.
On the one hand, we want to address interested start-ups from the retail, gastronomy, services and crafts sectors with a start-up competition,
explains project manager Markus Henkenmeier, authorized representative of the Jena Economic Development Agency. On the other hand, a so-called city laboratory in the form of a pop-up store is to be created in a city center location. This is intended to offer start-ups and creative people from the city of light a protected space in which they can test out new business ideas and usage concepts.
Economic development agency is looking for two colleagues and suitable space
Although funding has not yet been approved, those involved in the project say it is important to start preparations now
As soon as we receive the funding decision, we want to get started,
Henkenmeier is optimistic. The Jena Economic Development Agency has already advertised two positions for sub-project managers.
We are looking for committed colleagues who are interested in varied tasks in an exciting professional field and would like to work towards an attractive city center in Jena.
In addition, we are already looking for a suitable space for the city laboratory. We are looking for a property on the first floor with around 200 to 250 square meters of retail space.
We would be very pleased to hear from real estate market players,
Henkenmeier is addressing landlords in Jena directly.