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Open-air career fair with a wide range of professional opportunities


Fully booked Jobwalk Jena invites you to "stroll and apply" on 09.07.2022

Companies from Jena and the surrounding area are currently urgently looking for qualified employees and skilled workers from the region are interested in attractive jobs - the jobwalk brings the two together. On 09.07.2022, the open-air career fair will take place for the third time on the Jena market square.

80 regional companies, around 8,500 visitors, around 4,000 interviews - that was the result of the last jobwalk on Jena's market square in September 2021 - a very good result despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Initiator Peter Böttger from the Erlangen agency augenmaß explains the concept of the jobwalk careers fair: "Employers from large companies to small craft businesses and interested citizens meet at compact open-air exhibition stands. The atmosphere is reminiscent of a lively marketplace - it's a relaxed and informal way to get into conversation."

During a Saturday stroll through the city, you can find out about the variety of local employers, talk to exhibitors spontaneously or apply for specific job or training opportunities. Uncomplicated for both sides, free of charge for visitors and no appointment necessary.

A format that innovatively breaks new ground in recruiting. According to Wilfried Röpke, Managing Director of Wirtschaftsförderung Jena, this is important for all sectors in Jena. "Companies everywhere need qualified specialist staff, regardless of whether they are craft businesses or high-tech companies."

The wide range of local employers will be reflected at the marketplace on 09.07.2022. According to the organizers, innovative research start-ups as well as optics and healthcare, the digital economy and the manufacturing industry will be presenting themselves. Around half of the exhibitors are efficient medium-sized craft, service and commercial businesses.

"Most visitors to the jobwalk are surprised that there are so many interesting employers in their immediate vicinity," says organizer Peter Böttger. "From pure information to a signed employment contract - the jobwalk can make this range possible for job seekers." According to Böttger, not all of them lead directly to a new employment contract; companies also appreciate the opportunity to do long-term image work, for example for trainees or young academics.

The Jobwalk Jena invites all interested parties to the Jena market square on 09.07.2022 between 10:00 - 16:00. Further information can be found on the jobwalk Jena website.

Zwei Männer präsentieren das Plakat vom jobwalk Jena, einer Open-Air-Jobmesser auf dem Jenaer Marktplatz.
Freuen sich auf viele Besucher:innen zum Jobwalk Jena 2022: Wilfried Röpke (JenaWirtschaft, l.) und Organisator Peter Böttger.