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More than 2,000 square meters for development and production


FBGS Technologies GmbH celebrates topping-out ceremony at its new site in the Jena21 industrial park

Plenty of space for the development and production of fiber sensors "made in Jena" is currently being created in the south of Jena. FBGS Technologies GmbH is building a new company headquarters with over 2,000 square meters of office and production space as well as - in the future - three fibre drawing towers in the Jena21 industrial park. The company celebrated the topping-out ceremony today.

Managing Director Dr. Eric Lindner and his current 40-strong team were delighted with this milestone in the company's history:

"We are entering the next phase of the company's history and are laying the foundations for our future growth with the new site. The new building is necessary because the demand for our products has steadily increased, we have been able to retain new customers and implement new cooperation projects." According to Lindner, this means that production must be scalable upwards.

FBGS was founded in 2005 as a spin-off from the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology. The high-tech company develops and produces fiber optic sensors, components and solutions that are manufactured according to individual customer requirements with specific properties for measuring temperature, shape, strain or force. These applications are used in the process industry, the energy sector, the construction industry and medical technology, among others. They enable advanced monitoring in harsh or demanding environments.

Wilfried Röpke, Managing Director of the Jena Economic Development Agency, is also delighted with the new company building: "FBGS is a perfect fit for the Jena21 business park because, as an innovative high-tech company, they will find suitable cooperation companies in the immediate vicinity." The company's development is also "typically Jena" in many respects: from an institute spin-off to an internationally successful innovation driver in just a few years or decades - this is the best advertisement for Jena as a business location, says Röpke.

Internationality plays a major role at FBGS in many areas: in addition to Jena, the company has a second location in Belgium and sales offices in Canada and China. The total of 40 employees - half of whom are based in Jena and half in Geel, Belgium - also come from all over the world: according to the company, 15 nationalities and around 20 languages are represented in the team. According to Eric Lindner, this "colorful FBGS mix" will be able to hit the ground running in modern offices and optimally equipped production workstations at the new location in Franz-Loewen-Straße 3 from late autumn.
