New "Where to go after school?" flyers help with career choices
JUPITER initiative supports young people with career guidance
Just in time for the start of the new school year, the JUPITER initiative of the Jena Economic Development Corporation (JenaWirtschaft) is providing information about the most important events and online offers for career guidance in the 2022/2023 school year. A total of 20,000 flyers will be distributed to 140 secondary schools in Jena, Gera, Apolda, Weimar, Weimarer Land, the Saalfeld-Rudolstadt district, the Saale-Holzland district and the Saale-Orla district. Libraries and other youth and leisure facilities will also receive flyers and posters for their young guests.
"With our campaign, we not only want to reach pupils, but also support parents and, above all, schools, as they play an important role in providing guidance on the topics of training and career choices,"
explains JenaWirtschaft project manager Daniela Drilltzsch.
"We want to show young people interesting career prospects here locally."
Especially during the coronavirus pandemic, many career guidance events and internships in companies have not been able to take place.
"However, these are an ideal basis for a good start in the world of work,"
said Drilltzsch.
In order to provide information about suitable offers in Jena and the region, the 12th edition of "Where to after school?" lists events and online offers in flyers and posters, where pupils can find out about the attractive opportunities for training, studying and later careers. According to Daniela Drilltzsch, the demand for the skilled workers of tomorrow is particularly high in the so-called STEM subjects - mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology.
However, young talent is not only in demand in the STEM fields, but also in the skilled trades and in all other sectors. The JUPITER initiative of JenaWirtschaft is therefore working together with local and regional partners on the topics of career entry and securing young talent. Many of them will also be present at the vocatium Jena on 28 and 29 September 2022 in the Sparkassenarena Jena. On site, "JUPITER" project manager Daniela Drilltzsch will answer all questions about Jena as a training location and provide valuable tips for starting a career in the City of Light. Interested parties can also find lots of practical tips on the JUPITER Jena website, where the new flyer "Where to after school?" can also be downloaded.