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New flyer provides information on a wide range of opportunities after school


Good career guidance also important for the business location in the new school year

"Where to after school?" The 13th edition of the Jena Economic Development Agency's (JenaWirtschaft) flyer of the same name is now available to help answer this important question. Just in time for the start of the new school year, a total of 15,000 copies will be distributed to schools and youth and educational institutions in Jena and the neighboring districts . It lists the most important events for career guidance, study choices, workshops and day internships. The information can be viewed online on the Jupiter Jena website.

"There are many opportunities in Jena to try things out and gain an impression of where you could go after leaving school. Our flyer provides students and parents with a compass for orientation,"

says project manager Daniela Drilltzsch from JenaWirtschaft.

New in this edition is the classification of the offers according to class levels and accessibility. At the same time, the flyer provides a good overview for companies as to which events they can present themselves at, says Drilltzsch.

Zwei Personen präsentieren Plakate und Flyer zu "Wohin nach der Schule".
Studentin Paula Sonneberg und Daniela Drilltzsch von JenaWirtschaft präsentieren die Flyer und das Plakat „Wohin nach der Schule?“