jobwalk Jena enters the second round in 2020
Over 40 pre-registrations for open-air job fair on the market square on 06.06.2020
The premiere on 22.06. this year was successful; now the date for the second edition of the large open-air job fair "jobwalk Jena" has been set: on 06.06.2020, companies from Jena and the region are once again invited to present themselves and their offers as employers on the Jena market square.
Successful premiere
Organizer Peter Böttger from the Erlangen agency augenmaß is delighted with the great interest shown by local and regional companies: "Our evaluation shows that the companies were very satisfied with the fair. Over 40 percent of the exhibiting companies hired new employees as a result of jobwalk Jena."
A measurable success that shows that the organizers' concept is working: over 85% of the exhibiting companies stated that they had received applications as a result of jobwalk Jena. In some cases, the number was even very high: according to some companies, up to 40 or 60 job applications were received after the open-air fair. "Between weekend shopping, coffee breaks and window shopping, the jobwalk offers a unique opportunity to make contacts in an informal setting," says organizer Böttger.
As in 2019, the event is supported by the Jena Economic Development Corporation (JenaWirtschaft)."The demand for skilled workers in companies in Jena and the region remains high and will continue to rise - whether in craft businesses or high-tech companies," says JenaWirtschaft CEO Wilfried Röpke, who is also the patron of jobwalk Jena. "We invite all Jena companies to present their diverse range of offers - from student internships and apprenticeships to skilled jobs and management positions - to a wide audience."
Registration for 2020 now open
As in 2019, the trade fair prices in 2020 will be staggered according to the number of employees. The following applies: If you want to be an exhibitor at the 2nd jobwalk Jena, you should not wait too long to register. According to Peter Böttger, 4 out of 5 companies from this year want to take part again in 2020. Online booking for companies starts immediately at jena.jobwalk.city.