JenaWirtschaft wants to make diversity visible with "Challenge"
Companies are invited to sign the "Diversity Charter" in May
The Jena Economic Development Corporation (JenaWirtschaft) is inviting all Jena companies from the skilled trades to high-tech to the Jena "Diversity Challenge". This campaign is organized by the Germany-wide association "Charta der Vielfalt" and supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and is intended to help make the diversity of people in society visible in the workplace. All local companies are invited to sign the "Diversity Charter" together in May as a sign of their appreciation of diverse teams.
"In May, we are celebrating 'Diversity Month',"
says Wilfried Röpke, Managing Director of the Jena Economic Development Agency.
"We would be delighted if at least 18 employers from Jena and the region would sign the charter and show that they recognize, promote and use the diversity of their teams."
In recent years, 17 companies - including JenaWirtschaft - have already signed this declaration. The "challenge" or goal is to at least double this number by 31.05.2022.
According to numerous studies, the proverbial "colorful mix" of team members - young and old, women and men, people from different nations, religions or cultural and social backgrounds, etc. - brings many advantages to companies. Among other things, it provides a variety of perspectives on strategic challenges, increases innovative strength, improves employee satisfaction and increases their loyalty to the employer. This is also confirmed by medways, the Thuringian industry association for medical technology and biotechnology based in Jena, which signed the "Diversity Charter" back in 2020.
"Diversity - the variety of people who work together - is an important prerequisite for the sustainable and long-term success of companies,"
says Dr. Eike Dazert, Managing Director of medways.
"Diversity acts as a driver of development in both an economic and personal sense."
According to Dazert, the mix in the team creates a fruitful, creative and successful business environment.
According to JenaWirtschaft, many Jena companies can also benefit from this diversity. Companies that would like to sign the "Diversity Charter" can find all the information they need on the charter's website.