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JenaWirtschaft and Welcome Center Jena soon at Steinweg 10


Jena Economic Development Agency is moving - advice for companies from September 25 in the new Intershop building

The boxes are being packed at the Jena Economic Development Agency. On September 25, JenaWirtschaft will be moving from its previous location at Leutragraben 2-4 to Steinweg 10, where the first point of contact for companies in Jena will continue to provide local companies with expert advice and support on all matters. The Welcome Center Jena, which was previously located at Teichgraben 5, is also moving to Steinweg 10 and will be advising companies on internationalization and recruitment issues from the beginning of October and helping skilled workers to arrive in Jena.

Our familiar e-mail addresses and telephone numbers will remain the same. We look forward to seeing you!

Wilfried Röpke packt Umzugskisten.
Die Kisten werden schon gepackt: Ab dem 25. September sitzen Geschäftsführer Wilfried Röpke und sein Team aus Wirtschaftsförderung Jena und Welcome Center Jena am Steinweg 10 im neuen Intershop-Gebäude.


Address JenaWirtschaft

Steinweg 10
07743 Jena