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Jena presents itself strongly at the leading trade fair MEDICA 2022


Twelve Jena-based companies and institutions at international medical technology show

(Jena, 11.11.2021) The entire world of medicine and the healthcare industry will meet for four days from next Monday at the leading international trade fair MEDICA 2022 in Düsseldorf. Twelve Jena-based companies and institutions will also be presenting their innovations and products there. Between November 14 and 17, 2022, numerous medical professionals and healthcare experts from all over the world are once again expected to attend.

"It is remarkable how much bundled medical technology expertise from Jena travels to Düsseldorf every year,"

says Wilfried Röpke, Managing Director of the Jena Economic Development Agency (JenaWirtschaft). Health technology and medical technology is one of the core sectors of Jena's economy with high growth potential:

"The range of medical products from Jena extends from analytics and diagnostics to classic drug production, laboratory automation and laser therapy. Particularly in the life sciences sector, i.e. biomedicine, pharmaceuticals, medical technology and biotechnology, a significant increase in investment can be seen, especially in the last year",

explains Röpke.

According to the JenaWirtschaft boss, the Jena companies exhibiting at MEDICA act as "important ambassadors for the innovative strength of Jena as a high-tech location".

"Many of the Jena companies have been successfully marketing their products and services at the most important international meeting place for the medical technology and healthcare industry for years or even decades,"

said Dr. Eike Dazert, Managing Director of medways e. V.

The industry association for medical technology and biotechnology, based in Jena, regularly organizes the joint Thuringian stand at MEDICA and is also on site itself:

"This year, we are particularly pleased to welcome the Thuringian Minister of Economics, Science and Digital Society Mr. Wolfgang Tiefensee at the Thuringia reception on 15.11. at the joint stand in Hall 15",

said Dazert.

This also shows the importance of the life sciences for Thuringia as a whole.

In addition to the industry association medways, small and medium-sized companies from Jena, such as microfluidic ChipShop GmbH, zollsoft GmbH and eZono AG, will also be represented. On the other hand, the InfectoGnostics Forschungscampus Jena e.V. and major players such as JENOPTIK GmbH are also promoting Jena as a technology location with their trade fair appearances.

junge Frau mit blonden Haaren und weißem Kittel hält Pipette und Reagenzglas in den Händen
Auch 2022 präsentieren wieder zwölf Jenaer Unternehmen und Einrichtungen den Standort Jena bei der internationalen Medizintechnik-Messe MEDICA in Düsseldorf