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i-work company award expands sphere of influence in the world of work


The towns of Kahla and Hermsdorf are now partners of the i-work company award. The award, under the motto "Economic success through cultural diversity", honors companies that show exemplary commitment to the integration of their international employees. This intercultural commitment is now also officially supported politically by the two mayors and the city councils of the two neighboring towns.

"Hermsdorf is a 'hidden champion' in the technology region of Jena and the surrounding area," says Mayor Benny Hofmann (non-party). "Our technology companies and research facilities need the knowledge and manpower of international specialists, because we can't meet the demand with young talent from Thuringia alone."

The partnership for the i-work company award should be seen as a starting point so that the numerous local companies - many of them under the umbrella of the Tridelta Campus - can present their good examples of integration and learn from others.

The mayor of Kahla, Jan Schönfeld (Freie Wähler Kahla), describes his motivation for becoming a partner of the i-work award in a similar way: "We want to set an example for our welcoming culture. The companies in Kahla - just like in Jena and the whole of Thuringia - are dependent on international skilled workers. The challenge - especially in rural areas - is to ensure that cooperation works well." The issue is supported by all city councillors.

The Mayor of Jena, Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, is also pleased about this commitment to the intercultural award:

"We are expanding the i-work and thus implementing our regionalization strategy in a very concrete way. Of course, companies from the surrounding area have always been able to apply for the prize, but with the clear political support, the process is taking on a new quality. Because one thing is clear: Jena needs the region, and we all benefit from an international, cosmopolitan society and economy."

Welcoming international people is an important part of the region's self-image - both for the cities and region as a whole, but also for the companies with their diverse and mixed teams. After all, the prosperity of Jena and the surrounding cities can only be secured with skilled foreign workers.

According to Wilfried Röpke, Managing Director of the Economic Development Agency, the i-work company award is an ideal way to approach this topic and benefit from the wealth of experience of other companies:

"What works, what is needed for good and understanding cooperation, how can challenges be mastered, what advantages result from the international context for my company - we discuss all these and many more questions together with the companies when we award the i-work." The award is therefore a learning and exchange platform in the best sense of the word, says Röpke. "The basis for good integration in the workplace is a welcoming culture on the ground," says Röpke.

Without a cosmopolitan society, international cooperation in the workplace cannot work.

All interested companies can now apply online at JenaWirtschaft. The award ceremony will take place on 28.11.2023.

Vier Personen vor einem Eingangstor präsentieren ein Plakat zum i-work Business Award.
Freuen sich über die Erweiterung des i-work-Unternehmenspreises: Wilfried Röpke, Jan Schönfeld, Dr. Thomas Nitzsche und Benny Hofmann (v.l.n.r.)