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Career get-together for job seekers enters the next round in 2022


Popular event series provides career tips for people interested in Jena

The virtual event series "Career Meeting for Job Seekers" by the Welcome Center Jena is starting a new round in March 2022. As usual, interested parties will learn everything about job hunting, application documents and job interviews on four dates. The free offer is aimed at skilled workers and graduates from Germany and abroad who are interested in career prospects in Jena. The first online event on the topic of "Job search and career entry" will take place on 16.03.2022 from 14:00 to 15:00. Information on further dates and registration can be found on the Work in Jena website.

About the Welcome Center Jena

The Welcome Center Jena is an initiative of the Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Jena mbH (JenaWirtschaft) and the IQ Network Thuringia. Since autumn 2020, the contact point has been providing interested skilled workers from Germany and abroad with information on working and living in Jena, thus making an important contribution to their professional and social arrival in the City of Light. In addition, the Welcome Center team advises Jena companies and institutions on the recruitment and integration of foreign skilled workers and cultural diversity in the team. In addition, the Work in Jena website bundles important information about Jena as a place to work and live, including an extensive range of job offers, useful tips for your first steps in the City of Light and important contact points.

Cornelia Meyerrose (rechts) und Johanna Scholz (Mitte) informieren Jena-Interessierte beim Karriere-Treff zu Möglichkeiten der Karriereplanung in der Lichtstadt.
Cornelia Meyerrose (rechts) und Johanna Scholz (Mitte) informieren Jena-Interessierte beim Karriere-Treff zu Möglichkeiten der Karriereplanung in Jena.