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Attracting returnees to Jena and the region


Commuter Day of the Thuringian Agency for Skilled Labor Recruitment goes digital this year

Clear the ring for round two: After last year's premiere, the Thuringian Agency for Skilled Workers (ThAFF) in cooperation with the Jena Economic Development Agency (JenaWirtschaft) invites you to the second joint Commuter Day for Jena and the Saale-Holzland district. On 09.10.2020 between 15:00 and 20:00, interested parties can find out about the variety of career opportunities in Jena and the region. Due to coronavirus, the consultations will take place digitally this year. Commuters who work abroad and would like to return to their home in and around Jena will receive important information on the regional job market and valuable tips on job hunting via video conference, email and telephone. Immigrants can also obtain information about starting a career locally from a single source.

Due to the coronavirus, we have been increasingly focusing on online formats since March and have had good experiences with them at the four Commuter Days that have already taken place in other Thuringian cities and municipalities,

says ThAFF team leader Andreas Knuhr.

To ensure that the video call consultation works, interested parties should make an appointment in advance on the ThAFF website. The telephone consultation is more for those who make last-minute decisions,

he adds.

Commuter Day highlights diverse career prospects in Jena and the surrounding area

The Mayor of Jena, Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, is also positive about the offer:

Corona is currently restricting us in very many areas; unfortunately, many events could not take place. It is very important to us that formats are found, especially for skilled workers, that focus on the diverse career prospects in Jena and the surrounding area.

He always thinks of the region in terms of Jena's economic development anyway.

The city and the surrounding area must go hand in hand here - whether in terms of work, housing or social infrastructure.

Because, according to the mayor, people who come back to Jena or the surrounding area from Munich or Cologne, for example, think in different distances anyway.

An assessment shared by the district administrator of the Saale-Holzland district, Andreas Heller.

If Jena and the surrounding area pull together as partners, we can achieve a lot. People who work in Jena, for example, will find attractive living and working conditions in the district - and vice versa, of course.

According to the district administrator, individual preferences are the decisive factor here. And of course, many young families in particular want a house in the countryside and - due to the coronavirus - sufficient space for a home office.

And they can easily find that in the Saale-Holzland district,

says Heller.

Despite the current challenges, Wilfried Röpke, Managing Director of the Jena Economic Development Agency, paints a cautiously optimistic picture for the near future of the Jena economic region.

After a massive decline in job advertisements and new hires in the spring, companies are once again increasingly looking for qualified personnel,

according to Röpke. According to the head of JenaWirtschaft, this is also confirmed by the many advertisements on the job portal of the economic development agency.

On our job portal, we can already see that the number of jobs advertised in July 2020 is back at the previous year's level.

All in all, there are a wide range of career options in the region for anyone interested. All questions on this topic can be answered at the Commuter Day.Registration for the event and the various digital contact options can be found here.

Vier Männer stehen nebeneinander und halten das Plakat für den Pendlertag in die Kamera.
2019 fand der Pendlertag noch analog statt: A. Heller (Landrat SHK), W. Röpke (JenaWirtschaft), A. Knuhr (ThAFF) und Dr. T. Nitzsche (Oberbürgermeister Jena).