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2nd Jena School Dialogue


JenaWirtschaft networks on the topic of careers guidance at Jena schools

What career guidance programs are available at Jena schools, what cooperation projects can complement them and what role do the city administration and local businesses play in this? These and other questions were the topics of the second school dialog last Monday. On the initiative of the Jena Alliance for Skilled Workers, almost 20 representatives from 15 Jena schools - from grammar schools to comprehensive schools and vocational schools - came together.

In an exchange with Jena's Head of Education Eberhard Hertzsch (non-party), the school dialog focused on new career guidance offers in Jena as well as feedback on existing formats. "In view of the numerous career guidance offers that already exist, the challenge is to filter the offers and inform teachers, pupils and their parents about the appropriate offers," summarizes Daniela Drilltzsch (JenaWirtschaft). Concrete measures from the school dialog will be worked up in the next step in the Jena Alliance for Skilled Workers and their implementation will be driven forward. For example, a presentation day for job profiles in the ninth grade is planned.

"Our specific aim is to make pupils from Jena and the region aware of the full range of local career opportunities and to help them make the most of the available options. This can only be achieved through close cooperation between schools, companies and the city administration," says Ramona Scheiding, Head of the Skilled Workers Service at JenaWirtschaft. This makes an important contribution to retaining future skilled workers in the location and specifically in the local companies, which ultimately contributes to the future viability of the city and the region.

"We are delighted that the format has been very well received by the schools and that the active and results-oriented exchange between schools and providers of career guidance services has been a success," summarizes Daniela Drilltzsch. This successfully builds on the previous school dialog, consolidates the cooperation between the stakeholders and can meet the needs of schools and companies at the location.


The aim of the Jena Alliance for Skilled Workers, led by JenaWirtschaft, is to develop and recruit skilled workers for the regional economy and science in order to further strengthen their competitiveness and enable growth. The Jena Alliance for Skilled Workers brings together actors from business, education, associations, the labor market, politics and administration to initiate and implement skilled worker measures, improve location factors for skilled workers and conduct location-oriented skilled worker marketing. The alliance is under the patronage of the Lord Mayor of the City of Jena and has been in existence since 2012.

Ein Redner spricht vor einer Leinwand zu den Anwesenden.
Bildungsdezernent Eberhard Hertzsch (parteilos) eröffnet den zweiten Schuldialog der Jenaer Allianz für Fachkräfte am 25.03.2019.